aligning people and business to achieve success

what we do for your business

There is only one constant in business and that is change. Creating a clear long-term direction that people can grasp and “buy into” provides the stability and focus for them to feel in control and take ownership of their roles. Past skills may need to be enhanced and new ones developed so that people can think, plan, communicate and engage in new ways to ensure business success. Working together with your business, CjM can:

create direction & strategy... understanding organisational purpose and vision and aligning with external influences

implement structures... creating the right departments and teams, with the function and purpose you require to deliver

develop capacity... enabling teams to take ownership, understand their role, make decisions and empower others

facilitate cultural change... creating the mind sets for change, the flexibility to adapt and the determination to achieve

engage people... embedding organisational beliefs and behaviours to support change and underpin ownership

inspire performance... energising people to think differently, create growth and achieve results

how we do it

we can work with you directly and deliver bespoke:

  • One to one coaching
  • Group or team coaching
  • Team builds and live team reviews
  • Assessment:
    • 360 degree
    • Psychometrics
    • Assessment centre design and delivery
  • Outplacement
  • Competency mapping and behaviour skills frameworks

we can work with your people and deliver in-company workshops and design programmes around:

  • Productive Conversations
  • Thinking Differently
  • Facilitating with Purpose
  • Leading Empowered Teams
  • Surviving Change
  • Building Relationships and Networks
  • Delegating and Letting Go
  • Working Productively