aligning people and business to achieve success

client feedback

if you would like to know more about the companies we have worked with, then please talk to us and we will happily share more. In the meantime, here’s what some of our clients and delegates say about us:

The Manager 1:1 training being delivered in Dunfermline is getting the best feedback of any course I’ve seen in the last 15 years or so, specifically in the area of “practical benefit in my job.” The critical success factor has been use of professional actors, with carefully designed case studies.
Global Training Manager

Working with our senior team they have created and added value at every stage and we have found them to be an essential, practical and integral part of the team’s development mechanism. They have provided the environment and support for visionary strategic development and deployment.
Managing Director

Thought you would like to know I have today secured an Assistant Director post. I am of course thrilled and believe this is a great fit for my skills set. I have to say my work with you over the last few years really stood me in good stead in terms of delivering an appropriate leadership and management profile that ticked all the boxes. So thank you for your input, being better self-aware and putting my “people lenses” on really has made a difference and given me lots to draw upon - influencing others, strategic thinking, dropping down into the detail when required, making successful challenges, using different leadership styles and political awareness - oh and working with complex numbers! THANK YOU
Assistant Director

Taking a more friendly approach with the customer and establishing rapport has resulted in approaching the customer differently, i.e. “not straight in like a bull at a gate”, achieving a £5k rebate and £8k worth of savings. This was down to CjM Training.
Strategic Sourcing Leader

Truly transformational training! I spent years being frustrated, why did it take so long to get things done? Why did my team and peers not understand what I was saying? Was I speaking a different language? Yes. With the support of CJM they helped me to understand how people think (or don’t think), and why they behave the way they do. Using a range of techniques they then assisted me to think and behave differently so I could interact with my team and peers more appropriately thereby achieving the desired results. This has resulted in a far more cohesive approach from the senior leadership team and better working relationships with my direct reports. If you embrace the training it will transform your working relationships to the benefit of yourself and the organisation.
IT Director

In my opinion what you have created as a business is very special – you bring a personal touch and in my experience of working with similar training companies; this is your usp. Every person who attends your courses receives individual support tailored to them, so they take real value back to the workplace. Cheryl and Helen bring a touch of magic dust to the training to put people at their ease, and really get to the root of the challenges people face every day